My feelings

Hi everyone! I apologise for the long break I've gone on. Today, I've decided to make this post pretty personal and talk to you guys about my feelings and why I've been so inactive lately.

Firstly, my phone screen has spoiled. It's gone black at some parts and that's made it really hard for me to see what I want to post and the pictures that I take. Of course, I've tried asking my mum if I could go repair it but frankly. she doesn't really care. This has made it hard for me to text my friends and my customers because I can't see clearly what they've sent me and what I am sending them. It's a torture, I'm telling you.

Secondly, nowadays I feel quite down. I'm not sure why, but I've somewhat lost my self esteem. Usually I'll appear totally fine to my friends of course. At night, however, or whenever I want to post a picture, I get nervous and ask myself: 'Marie, are people even gonna care about your stupid face?'. Afterwhich, of course the answer is no, I decide not to post it. Either that or I would upload it but delete it a few minutes later. It's been this way the past week and I'm not sure why. I've never even told this to my closest friends so this is quite hard for me to spill on my blog.

Another thing I want to apologise for, is the constant delay in videos. I know I keep telling all of you that I'll post on this certain date but I end up not doing so and I am really truly sorry for that. Truth to be told, I've already filmed the videos but every time I edit, I feel like the videos are just not up to standard. Not good enough for my viewers to watch. And I've been trying really hard to work on that and improve so I do hope that you all will bear with me:-)

With all that being said, I really hope that none of you will unfollow me, start to find me boring or whatnot. And I also just wanna put it out there that I really appreciate those who have always been supporting me and I really hope that you will continue to support me because you are part of the reason why I continue blogging.

Other than that, stay safe and keep dreaming, y'all 



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