Favourite Fashion Trends (Part 1)
Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I have updated this blog. I have been extremely busy lately and I have finally found the time to sit down and blog about my favourite things! What better way to start blogging again than share with my readers my favourite fashion trends?
Firstly, I love the statement necklace trend right now. Statement necklaces can make an outfit stand out - needless to say, they are very important in an outfit. Contrary to popular belief, statement necklaces do not always have to be paired with a plain top. They also help patterned tops stand out, as shown in the third outfit below. Pairing it with a collared blouse is one of my favourite ways to wear statement necklaces. I also love the pastel coloured statement necklaces - they are perfect for making an edgy outfit look girly at the same time! There are so many things you can do to your outfits with statement necklaces.
My second favourite trend would be midi skirts. They are not very suitable for the summer, but now that it's winter, they are perfect! Midi skirts are quite old school but they can also look girly, chic and edgy.
That is all for part 1 of my favourite fashion trends! Hope you all enjoyed reading!! Do stay tuned for the second part!!! It will be up hopefully by christmas!
Enjoy your holidays xx